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Presentation of the StartUB! Innovation Toolkit

Captura de pantalla 2023-04-11 a las 9.55.41

In a world in constant change and evolution, innovation has become a determining factor in all areas, but especially in education.

In StartUB! we have gotten down to work and have created the Innovation Toolkit, a tool developed by StartUB! designed to guide and facilitate the innovation process for anyone (PDI, PAS, student or alumni), regardless of their level of experience.

It is a digital platform in which users have access to tools, templates and explanatory videos. Through a guided process divided into 5 stages (Explore, Discover, Generate, Shape and Deploy) users will learn to develop innovative solutions autonomously. This Toolkit is an important milestone for the Catalan university ecosystem, since it is a pioneering tool of its kind.

The presentation will take place on April 13 at 4:00 p.m. at StartUB!. From this moment on, the tool will be available and accessible through our website.