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Inspire, transform and give opportunities to the UB community

Promote education in innovation and entrepreneurship to improve the quality of life of the community and we will generate a positive impact on our environment.

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Strategic objectives

Our mission is to develop the entrepreneurial potential of the UB community. Working from the Knowledge Triangle Integration we focus on:

Entrepreneurship Training

People-Centered Training

Promote experiential training that allows the development of the entrepreneurial potential of the community

Training activities

StartUB Values!

We are UB, a socially responsible institution. We care for people and work to improve our social impact and reduce our environmental impact.

We seek an environment that fosters diversity and in which differences are respected, promoting equal access to opportunities through a free model.


We seek an environment that fosters diversity and in which differences are respected, promoting equal access to opportunities through a free model.
We want to develop innovative solutions that promote sustainable development and respect the environment, generating a positive impact on the community.


We want to develop innovative solutions that promote sustainable development and respect the environment, generating a positive impact on the community.
We promote creativity and innovation with an ethical and socially responsible perspective, which takes into account the long-term impact and the needs of the planet.

Responsible innovation

We promote creativity and innovation with an ethical and socially responsible perspective, which takes into account the long-term impact and the needs of the planet.

StartUB! in figures


Students trained
New startups
Incubated projects
Mentoring hours

The team

Meet the experts behind StartUB!